New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Pre-Trade (Level 3)

New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Pre-Trade (Level 3)

New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Pre-Trade

The purpose of this qualification is to equip people with underpinning electrical knowledge and basic practical skills to enter further training or entry-level employment, such as an apprenticeship, within the electrical industry and related electrical fields. Graduates will be able to apply these skills under supervision by a licensed electrical worker, in accordance with the Electricity Act 1992 and any subsequent amendments.

Enrol for Invercargill
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Key Details

One year full-time

Study Modes:
On Campus
To be advised – Please Enquire

This programme is eligible for the Zero Fees Scheme.

  • NO tuition fees
  • Direct Material Costs $2,330.00 (GST inclusive).

International Fees can be found here.

The purpose of this qualification is to equip people with underpinning electrical knowledge and basic practical skills to enter further training or entry-level employment, such as an apprenticeship, within the electrical industry and related electrical fields. Graduates will be able to apply these skills under supervision by a licensed electrical worker, in accordance with the Electricity Act 1992 and any subsequent amendments.

CE3001 Electrical Work Practices

CE3002 DC Fundamentals

CE3003 AC Fundamentals

CE3004 Cables, Fittings and Testing

CE3005 Supply Systems

CE3006 Protection, Plans and Circuits

CE3007 Electrical Installations

CE3008 Electrical Machines, Transformers and Isolation

CE3009 Final Capstone Assessment

US32619 Demonstrate fundamental knowledge for working in electrical trades

Graduates will be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and attributes to work in apprenticeships in the electrical industry in the field of their choice with guidance, mentoring, and supervision in accordance with the Electricity Act 1992.

School Leavers

For admission into this programme applicants must:

  • Have achieved the National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 1 and have achieved Literacy and Numeracy at Level 1, or
  • Have the equivalent knowledge and skills as NCEA Level 1 including Literacy and Numeracy

These entry requirements notwithstanding, to ensure applicants have the best opportunity to succeed in this Level 3 programme, preferred applicants will:

  • Be at least 16 years of age
  • Have achieved the National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 2 and have achieved Literacy and Numeracy at Level 2, or
  • Have the equivalent knowledge and skills as NCEA Level 2 including Literacy and Numeracy

Mature Applicants

Applicants over the age of 20 years at time of enrolment will be considered where they can demonstrate the ability to succeed in a programme. Examples of demonstration of ability to succeed are the provision of evidence of successful completion of a programme of study at Level 2 or above in a related discipline and/or employment in the related sector for one or more years. They may be admitted subject to programme regulations approved by the Head of Faculty in consultation with the Programme Operations Manager as appropriate. Personal commitment and a belief in one’s own ability to succeed are important personal traits and will always be taken into consideration during the selection process.

Language Requirements

Applicants, whose first language is not English, or who come from a country where the language of instruction in schools is not English, are required to provide evidence of having achieved one of the following:

NCEA Level 3 with University Entrance, or

An International Baccalaureate Diploma or Cambridge A¬ level qualification for which the teaching and assessment was conducted in English, or

Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA), or Trinity College London Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL), or

Successful completion of all primary education (being the equivalent of New Zealand primary school Years 1 to 8) and at least three years of secondary education (being the equivalent of three years from New Zealand secondary school Years 9 to 13) at schools in either New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States one of the countries listed in Rule 18.5 where the student was taught using English as the language of instruction, or

Successful completion of at least five years of secondary education (being the equivalent of New Zealand secondary school Years 9 to 13) at schools in either New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States where the student was taught using English as the language of instruction, or

Successful completion of a Bachelors’ Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Bachelor Honours degree, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma, Masters’ Degree or Doctoral Degree, the language of instruction of which must be in English and which must be from a tertiary education provider from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United Kingdom or the United States, or

Successful completion of one of the following internationally recognised proficiency tests listed below to the level required of the programme of study and with all scores achieved in a single test during the two years preceding the proposed date of enrolment:

IELTS test - General or Academic score of 5 with no band score lower than 5

TOEFL Internet-based test (iBT) - Score of 35 (with a writing score of 14)

Cambridge English Qualifications - B2 First or B2 First for Schools with a score of 154. No less than 154 in each skill.

OET - Minimum of Grade C or 200 in all sub-tests

NZCEL - a) Expiring - Level 3 (General) or (Workplace), b) Current - Level 3 (General)

Pearson Test of English (Academic) - PTE (Academic) score of 36 with no band score lower than 36

Language Cert - B1 Achiever IESOL Written (LRW) PASS with no less than 25/50 in each skill and Spoken (S) PASS

Trinity ISE - ISE I with no less than distinction in any band

To satisfactorily complete the New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Pre-Trade (Level 3) the student shall complete all 8 papers as outlined in the programme schedule and the final capstone assessment. 

(Please note: students failing to attend for 80% of timetabled programme hours may forfeit zero fees entitlement).

Suggested Courses